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She is the epitome of what an institution builder should be. She is righteous, compassionate, sensitive, kind, strict disciplinarian with a soft touch, with innate ability to keep others before self, strength of character that is rare, with a nature that nurtures...flawless to the point of being perfect. She ingrained in her children the basic values of truth, honesty, duty and faith. She is the reason for everything that Prof. K L Singhal was and everything that we will ever be.

Her role has been that of timeless and tireless teacher in the classroom of life. She is the root, the foundation of 'Singhal Educational Society’. Her wisdom is like a beacon that has illuminated our past and shines to show the path in future. Her life made us realize that the privilege to work is a gift and the power to work is a blerssing

She has been the wind beneath our wings and also the string of the kite of our dreams and aspirations that keeps us grounded, teaching in her own inimitable way to not let success go to our heads and failures to our hearts. Her prayers for this endeavor are a priceless gift, a real treasure and her presence our life are true blessings.

She is the moral compass of our lives in these tumultuous times. May she continue to guide us for years to come!