+91 94654-10884, +91 99886-85084

Pay Fee Online

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Fee Rules

Fee schedule for the Annual Session

  1. Parents are requested to deposit the quarterly fee as per the following schedule.
    1. Installment Month To be paid by
      I April to June April 10th
      II July to Sep. Aug. 10th
      III Oct. to Dec. Nov. 10th
      IV Jan. to March Jan. 10th
  2. Parents may pay the full year fee at any time if they so desire.
  3. Please fill in the detail about the name, class and section correctly on every voucher.
  4. Even after the due date the fees has to be deposited in the bank only. Please do not visit the school for depositing the fee.
  5. Parents are requested to preserve the receipts issued to them and produce them in proof of payment of fee when needed. No separate fee certificate will be issued.
  6. If the fee is not paid for two installments then the student’s name is automatically struck-off the rolls and re-admission will be granted only after depositing the unpaid dues along with the late fees. Re-admission fee of Rs 10,000 will also be charged.
  7. This school admits children in 1st std. only.
  8. Admission fee is charged once at the time of Admission.
  9. Annual fee/ Amalgamated charges are charged every year on Annual/ Quarterly Basis.
  10. Duplicate fee booklet will be issued on payment of Rs. 100 /-
  11. If the fee is not deposited as per the due dates mentioned above then a late fee of Rs. 10 /- per day will be charged. If 10th happens to be a bank holiday, then the fee will be accepted without late fee on 11th.
Note: Please note that no separate reminder will be sent to you when the school fee of your child becomes due.