+91 94654-10884, +91 99886-85084

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Payment of Fees

The school management intends to provide quality education to the children at an affordable cost. However external factors such as inflation, cost of staff etc are beyond the control of the school management. Fee is therefore subject to revision annually at the discretion of the school management. Parents may expect a maximum of 8% increase in the school fee every year. Fee booklet is given to every child in the beginning of the session. The fee for the first quarter of Academic year has to be deposited by 10th April. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that they receive the fee booklet. Parents are expected to deposit the school dues on time. They may do so in any branch of HDFC Bank of Mansa, Maur Mandi, Bhikhi, Budhlada, Jhunir and Joga. They may also deposit the fee online by visiting the school website www.singhalstars.com or by paying it in cash in the school office on any working day.